The Media and Public relations Unit is directly working under the supersion of the Inspector general of Police and was one of the key units established in 1999 as part of the restructuring of the SLP undertaken under the presidency of late Dr. Ahmed Tejan Kabba. Its organogram includes; the Head and his deputy, the Web master, reporters/writers, admin officer, audio visual personnel and regional media officers.
The Media and Public Relations Unit is tasked with the responsibility of dissemination of information and communication about the activities, policies, programmes and operations of the Sierra Leone Police to the wider public (civil populace). It is geared towards building an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding between the Sierra Leone Police as custodians of internal security and its publics (civil populace, government, local and international non-governmental organizations, the media etc.)
It is incumbent on the SLP to keep the public constantly informed through the print and electronic media about its activities and matters concerning internal security.
To establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between the Sierra Leone Police and its publics.
To take the police closer to the people and the people closer to the police
Information Dissemination
- The SLP will communicate to the people in the language they can understand, especially the provinces
- The SLP will work in collaboration with Civil Society Organizations, Local Policing Partnership Boards (LPPBs), community leaders and the clergy in the dissemination of information, particularly in matters bothering internal security.
- The SLP Media will embark on community outreach sensitization activities on political tolerance and non-violence in collaboration with civil society organizations, political parties, youth groups and other key stakeholders.
- Production and distribution of fliers and handbills with messages depicting political tolerance non- violence and apolitical posture of the SLP.
- Involving the independent media in covering major SLP operations.
Aims & Objectives
- To launch the SLP into a new era of communication for both internal and external publics.
- To foster a better informed public
- To increase visibility of SLP initiatives and successes to its publics
- To bring positive attention from local and international media
- To cultivate an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding between the SLP and its publics To build public trust and confidence in the SLP